Christopher Cayari
Book Dr. Cayari for an Event or visit
Dr. Christopher Cayari is a researcher, performer, and consultant that will come to your institution, event, or workshop. Click on one of the arrows below the pictures and descriptions below to start dreaming about bringing Dr. Cayari to your school, organization, or event. You can email them directly by clicking here.
Dr. Cayari's Specialties
Performance & Pedagogy
Musical theater
Popular vocal styling
Show choir
Jazz choir
Participatory music making
DIY media creation
Integrating music into general classrooms
Kodaly 3 certified
Honoring diverse students
Musical Informed Topics
Race and ethnicity
Gender and gender identity
Sexual identity
Creating online media
Developing online personae
Online communities
Learning on the Internet
Video games and music
Research & Methods
Case study (ala Robert Stake)
Performance-based research
Arts-based research
Survey design
Researching on the Internet
Navigating Life in Academia
Schedule and goal setting
Writing and editing articles
Finding balance
Holistic health
Increasing productivity
Dr. Christopher Cayari is a researcher, performer, and consultant that will come to your institution, event, or workshop. Click on one of the arrows above the areas of expertiece to start dreaming about bringing Dr. Cayari to your school, organization, or event. You can email them directly by clicking here.